Safe programming of PLCs

In collaboration with CODESYS, Fraunhofer IEM has integrated static code analysis development methods into the CODESYS development environment commonly used for PLCs.

This integration provides software developers in the automation industry with real-time information on errors in their code, which they can correct during the development process. The solution is integrated in release of CODESYS Static Analysis. Similar to a spell checker, the static code analysis indicates errors and dangers in the program code as early as possible. It also makes unintended data flows or the incorrect use of programming interfaces visible. Software developers can thus check and correct their code during programming without having to compile and execute it. For real-time correction, the research institute used distributive analysis frameworks with low memory consumption. The analyses offer programmers extensive configuration options and can be applied both to the CODESYS programming interface and to integrated third-party libraries.

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Author: Inka Krischke