Release CODESYS Git (video clip)

CODESYS Git out now and available in the CODESYS Store.

With CODESYS Git and the distributed version management system Git™, you have your CODESYS projects under control at all times. Thanks to the seamless integration into the CODESYS Development System, you do not need an additional Git installation or other third-party tools. Work with proven Git workflows. The simple and lean way to create branches allows you to develop different features together with your colleagues. Thanks to the two-step staging mechanism known from Git, you always have control over which changes are included in a commit. CODESYS Git automatically checks planned operations for consistency, ensuring usable CODESYS projects at all times. Merge desired changes with an effective merge mechanism. Use local Git repositories for your daily work, and remote Git repositories for cross-team development. For a better overview of the development history, CODESYS Git offers you a graphical display of the version history across different branches and commits - including a detailed view of each commit.

CODESYS Git is part of the CODESYS Professional Developer Edition and available in the CODESYS Store as a demo version, workstation license or network license for 5 users. You already have a license for CODESYS SVN or a subscription to the CODESYS Professional Developer Edition? Even better. Then you can automatically use CODESYS Git as well.

Video CODESYS Git ►

From now on you can use the distributed version control system Git™ to manage your CODESYS projects. Branch and merge, stage your changes, work with your local repository, or connect to a remote repository to interact with your colleagues. All this and many more useful features seamlessly integrate into the CODESYS Development System with CODESYS Git. Enhance your development workflow. Make it a CODESYS Git workflow.