Key | Issue Type | Summary | Resolution | Release Note |
J1939-137 | Bug | Precompile check causes slow project open performance |
Fixed | |
J1939-136 | Improvement | Add Pg Dialog: Support hexadecimal PGNs |
Fixed | |
J1939-125 | Improvement | Precompile Checks: Update immediately after changing a parameter group or signal. |
Fixed | |
J1939-124 | Improvement | J1939: Usability Improvements for PG Editor when working without database |
Fixed | |
J1939-123 | Bug | DBC Import: ParameterGroups with multiplexer signals lead to overlapping signals. |
Fixed | |
J1939-122 | Improvement | J1939: Copy & Paste for PGs and Signals |
Fixed | |
J1939-121 | Bug | J1939: Signals with same SPN and Name causes exception in PG editor. |
Fixed | [[GENERAL]] Caused by CDS-72175 |
J1939-120 | Bug | IoDrvJ1939: CheckSignalPosition is not working correctly for big endian signals. |
Cannot Reproduce | |
J1939-119 | Improvement | J1939 Implementation of improvement SIL2-1025 |
Fixed | |
J1939-116 | Improvement | J1939 Unsafe lib: Adapt according to J1939-115 |
Cannot Reproduce | [[GENERAL]] Already done! |
J1939-115 | Improvement | J1939 Safety: ParameterGroupNumber struct is difficult to use. |
Fixed | |
J1939-113 | Bug | Arbitrary Address checkbox does not work anymore. |
Fixed | [[GENERAL]] Caused by CDS-67512. |
J1939-108 | Improvement | J1939: Code review rework |
Fixed | |
J1939-107 | Bug | IoDrvJ1939: Signal check does not detect signals with position > PG length. |
Fixed | |
J1939-106 | Improvement | J1939: Adapt interface and library names |
Fixed | |
J1939-103 | Improvement | Update CANbusDevice placeholder to |
Fixed | |
J1939-84 | Improvement | Update System.Data.SQLite to most recent version containing sqlite 3.40.0 |
Fixed | |
J1939-82 | Improvement | Optimize I/O Performance |
Fixed | |
J1939-81 | Bug | Exception when inserting custom signal |
Fixed | |
J1939-68 | Bug | ParsePGN returns wrong P2P PGN |
Fixed | [[GENERAL]] For P2P messages the PDU specific field is the destination address. So it does not really matter for the PGN. This is why ParseCANID sets PDU specific to 0 to get a normalized PGN. Then it's easier for comparing the PGN with the database because the database also sets PDU specific to 0. Note: The destination address is a separate output of ParseCANID. Example: If CANID 16#C030A00 will be parsed by ParseCANID, dwPGN 16#300 (PDU specific set to 0) and destination address 16#A will be returned. This is as designed and cannot be changed. |
J1939-66 | Bug | J1939 TP.CM_CTS messages have the 5th byte set to 0 but should be FF |
Fixed | |
J1939-65 | Bug | J1939 - TP.CM response messages are sent with the J1939 priority field set to 0 |
Fixed | |
J1939-62 | Improvement | J1939: Too much mailbox full log messages, if no slave connected with J1939 |
Fixed | |
J1939-61 | Improvement | J1939: Support Safety extensions - create CANdriverMockup for message transport chain autotest |
Won't Fix | |
J1939-60 | Improvement | J1939: Compile check for inconsistent ParameterGroups |
Fixed | |
J1939-57 | Improvement | Support Error Passive and Autorecovery settings |
Won't Fix | [[GENERAL]] Already fixed with CANOPEN-46. Use CANbus Device >=! |
J1939-31 | Bug | J1939: P2P and Broadcast messages are not working with dynamic addresses. |
Won't Fix | [[GENERAL]] Not solvable in stack because source address and destination address which is set by the configurator is not unique. For this the stack would need the NAME to identify the ECU correctly. But this can't be configured in configurator. |
J1939-25 | Epic | J1939: Support Safety extensions |
Fixed | |
J1939-23 | Improvement | DBC: Support importing of exponential notation |
Fixed | |
J1939-22 | Bug | System.Data.Sqlite: Broken function if assembly is present in Windows Global Assembly Cache |
Fixed | |
J1939-17 | Bug | P2P/Broadcast filter in Add Parametergroup dialog does not work anymore. |
Fixed | |
J1939-15 | Bug | J1939: TP protocol does not work correctly for 64 bytes |
Fixed | |
J1939-13 | Bug | Wrong "Invalid signal size" error message is shown in logger for big endian signals. |
Fixed | |
J1939-12 | Improvement | Update System.Data.SQLite.Core to most recent version containing sqlite 3.35.5 |
Won't Fix | [[GENERAL]] Due to the architecture of System.Data.SQLite only a single version can be used in an application. Due to incompatible changes between 1.0.113 and an update will cause problems in other plugins using SQLite. Therefore, an update to will currently not be implemented. |
J1939-11 | Bug | J1939: ChangeAddress method does not work properly. |
Fixed | |
J1939-9 | Improvement | J1939: Remove IoDrvUtilities Placeholder |
Fixed | |
J1939-6 | Improvement | J1939: Remove IoDrvUtilities Placeholder |
Fixed | |
J1939-5 | Bug | J1939: Local ECU goes into operational even if there is an address conflict detected. |
Fixed |