
Release Notes: CODESYS Recipes

Key Issue Type Summary Resolution Note
REC-194 Bug

Memoryoverright at WIN CE Runtime

Cannot Reproduce [[GENERAL]]
The bug was fixed with REC (REC-153). Wenn an Addon ist updated with bugfixes in generated code a clean all is necessary that the generated pous are updated.
REC-189 Bug

Recipe File Sice from 237.568 Bytes result in Crash at WIN CE

REC-186 Bug

Download Failed, Exception: error on OC after "re-generating" a recipe, and "deleting or adding variables" to the recipe

Duplicate [[GENERAL]]
This issue duplicates REC-165.
The original steps to repeat of the issue were not able to reproduce the problem but according to the description of the issue, it's rather obvious that this issue is a duplicate. Additionally with slightly adjusted steps to repeat, the problem could be reproduced in "Recipes" but no longer using a version having the bugfix for REC-165.
REC-184 Bug

Recipes: after loading a non-existent recipe file, the recipe is zeroed

REC-183 Bug

RecipeManager : StackSize: Stack overflow detected in SP20 which does not happen in SP19

REC-165 Bug

Exception after logout/login to project with online change after some actions

REC-159 Improvement

Improve performance on open project

As the command UpdateRecipeGuidsCommand is no longer of any use, it has been removed. The language model guids are now automatically generated as NameBasedGuid.
REC-112 Bug

Name for recipe is limited to 63 characters

Duplicate [[GENERAL]]
This bug was fixed with REC-183