
Release Notes: CODESYS Recipes

Key Issue Type Summary Resolution Note
REC-163 Bug

Exception when loading a recipe with specific size on WInCE/ARM device

Duplicate [[GENERAL]]
If only the Recipes addon is updated, a CleanAll might be required for the bugfix to become active.
REC-153 Bug

Incorrect formatting of a recipe file (.csv)

REC-151 Bug

The Recipe Function LoadAndWriterRecipe return 16#4001 error

Duplicate [[GENERAL]]
Duplicates REC-153
REC-147 Bug

Load Recipe leads to error message if there are line breaks in the file

Fixed [[GENERAL]]
Inside the Recipes Definition at Current Value and Recipe, linebreakers are now visible.
REC-146 Bug

ReadAndSaveRecipe FB creates repeat variables in the saved file

Duplicate [[GENERAL]]
Duplicates REC-153
REC-144 Improvement

Recipes: Adjust project info in library

REC-142 Bug

Recipes: Empty warning C0373 when min and max values have configured variables

Fixed [[GENERAL]]
When using variables it is the user's responsibility to ensure valid min and max values. A (non-empty) warning is only generated when the check of two literal values fails.
REC-121 Bug

RecipeManager, DevDesc, SysSem: insertion of RecipeManager into application with some settings not possible

REC-119 Bug

Error "the format of the file is invalid" when saving and loading a recipe

Fixed [[GENERAL]]
It could happen that recipe variables did not have a unique ID. This is now checked when the editor is opened and corrected if necessary. If this was necessary, a message is displayed in the message view for the Recipe Manager area.
REC-118 Bug

Assertion when editing deleted recipes

Duplicate [[GENERAL]]
Duplicates REC-119
REC-113 Bug

App based licenses: The code generated by recipe manager is calculated as user code

Won't Fix [[GENERAL]]
Due to a product management decision, there are features that do not have their own license. It was a conscious decision to include the code generated by the recipe management in the "Size of user code" metric.
REC-111 Bug

StaticAnalysis, SA0033: False positive in Recipe Manager

Duplicate [[GENERAL]]
This issue has been already fixed with REC-51 (
REC-110 Bug

Recipes: Uploading recipe list from absolute paths not working in Linux based devices
