
Release Notes: CODESYS EtherCAT

Key Issue Type Summary Resolution Note
ECAT-551 Bug

IoDrvEtherCAT: if emergency is received LastError is not set to ETC_LASTERROR.EMERGENCY_RECEIVED

ECAT-549 Bug

UpdateDevice: Error occurs during UpdateDevice on a Slave

ECAT-548 Bug

EtherCAT slave: start parameters in an XML list cannot be exported in full

Won't Fix [[GENERAL]]
The xml format was defined by Beckhoff and does not contain the additional information. Therefore this fields could not be exported or imported.
Therefore won't fix.
ECAT-547 Improvement

DeviceEditorEtherCAT: change of calculation for input based sync offsets required

ECAT-541 Bug

IoDrvEtherCAT: retry for ReadMemory/WriteMemory function block is required for some devices

ECAT-531 Bug

DeviceEditorEtherCAT: PDO order is not correct for MDP device after activating a PDO

ECAT-530 Bug

Device Handling: Redo Button not working at Fieldbus change

ECAT-527 Bug

IoDrvEtherCAT: sync units and cable redundancy shows wrong error

ECAT-523 Bug

DeviceEditorEtherCAT: PDOs for oversampling module are not enabled

ECAT-521 Bug

Cycletime not changeing synchronized

Won't Fix [[GENERAL]]
This is as designed. As it should be possible to configure a type of over sampling by choosing a smaller cycle time in the task config
-> Won't fix
ECAT-520 Bug

IoDrvEtherCAT: Mailbox is stuck with SoE message if EoE is used in parallel

Cannot Reproduce [[GENERAL]]
Already fixed with ECAT-414.
Therefore cannot be reproduced with latest version
ECAT-516 Bug

EL6731 (Profibus Master) is not possible to use complete range from datasheet

ECAT-514 Improvement

DeviceEditorEtherCAT: safety diagnosis page should be shown for specific devices

ECAT-510 Bug

Wrong operational state with Junction Slave

ECAT-508 Bug

Portuguese localization: Paint bug in EtherCAT Drive editor

Cannot Reproduce
ECAT-506 Improvement

Add option to edit safety mappings manually

ECAT-505 Bug

ESI Import: channels for device missing

ECAT-504 Improvement

EtherCAT FOE: the progress bar does not reflect the status of the send file

Won't Fix [[GENERAL]]
Behavior could not be changed due to technical reasons. Therefore won't fix
ECAT-503 Bug

DeviceEditorEtherCAT: Timeout error while downloading large firmware file with Foe

ECAT-502 Improvement

Small bug fixes and improvements for FSoE Plugfest

ECAT-501 Improvement

SafetyESIConverter: add support for datatypes in profile

ECAT-499 Improvement

DeviceEditorEtherCAT: ENI xml export should have ProfileNo element

ECAT-495 Improvement

DeviceEditorEtherCAT: watchdog times setting 0 to disable the WD should be possible

ECAT-491 Improvement

IoDrvEtherCAT: improve behavior for EtherCAT redundancy for the first and last device if cable is re-plugged

ECAT-490 Bug

DeviceEditorEtherCAT: Import of ESI files with many modules takes too much time

ECAT-487 Bug

DeviceEditorEtherCAT: expert process data should keep focus and displayed line

ECAT-486 Improvement

DeviceEditorEtherCAT: PDO Upload Button should be enabled with customization

ECAT-485 Improvement

Add support for distributed clocks, shift times and input based

ECAT-484 Improvement

EtherCAT configurator: import for SCI files (Slave Configuration Information)

Fixed [[GENERAL]]
By default the imported SCI files are hidden.
The checkbox "display all versions" must be checked in the add device window to show the SCI files.
ECAT-483 Bug

SafetyESIConverter: error #24 is shown by mistake with connection index 0x6f91

ECAT-482 Bug

IoDrvEtherCAT: With ctrlx Drive the function block ETC_SoE_Cmd is sometimes not finished

ECAT-481 Improvement

DeviceEditorEtherCAT: add support for AoE in ENI xml file

ECAT-480 Bug

In Simulation-Mode the value of "Configured station alias" in the editor is not consistent

ECAT-479 Bug

IoDrvEtherCAT: CoEOnlineservice : after value with length of 4 bytes is written a USINT value could not be written

ECAT-478 Improvement

DeviceEditorEtherCAT: Write EEprom button service should be redirect-able

ECAT-477 Bug

DeviceEditorEtherCAT: after selecting a DC Mode with EL5021 "user defined DC settings" is shown

ECAT-474 Bug

Missing PDO Parameters after ESI import with OEMCustomization "CreateAllPdoParameters"

ECAT-472 Bug

IoDrvEtherCAT: wrong command frame for large EtherCAT process data

ECAT-471 Improvement

IoDrvEtherCAT: support of embedded runtime systems

ECAT-470 Bug

small unrelated code changes + clean all + build result in not working device

Cannot Reproduce [[GENERAL]]
Cannot reproduced
ECAT-469 Bug

K-Bus IO's not scannable after shutdown EtherCat-Slave

Won't Fix [[GENERAL]]
If Autorestart is disabled then after power off and on the device is in Init state.
For scanning the modules the CoE mailbox is required and therefore at least preoperational state is required. Ohterwise the modules can not be scanned.
Therefore won't fix.
ECAT-467 Improvement

ECAT Safety: Support datatypes larger 16 bit

ECAT-466 Improvement

IoDrvEtherCAT: for dynamic operation a new method for aligning the FMMU is required

ECAT-464 Bug

Startup parameters still exist in the Startup Parameters table when the corresponding module is deleted

Won't Fix [[GENERAL]]
The startup parameter is manually added to the list and therefore it will be not deleted. Therfore won't fix
ECAT-461 Improvement

Support IO Link Gateways AL143x

ECAT-458 Bug

DeviceEditorEtherCAT: wrong sync offset with oversampling modules
