
Release Notes: CODESYS Control for WAGO Touch Panels 600 SL

Key Issue Type Summary Resolution Note
RTSL-2325 Improvement

Show WBM error in correct section

RTSL-2300 Bug

Update to codemeter lite 8.10

RTSL-2280 Improvement

Move (config) files from /etc/ to subfolder with package name

Fixed [[GENERAL]]
Runtime configuration files of CODESYSControl and Gateway products are now sorted into product specific subfolders under /etc/
RTSL-2252 Improvement

RTSL Redundancy test: check if test should run

Redundancy feature cannot be tested successfully.
RTSL-2178 Bug

Webvisu not reachable with default settings

Fixed [[GENERAL]]
The firmware for the TP600 from WAGO with version 26 or higher changed some port settings were changed. The webvisu got redirected to another port on the localhost. The redirect now again points towards the default https port 443 and switching between the web-based-management and the webvisu is again possible with default settings and without specifying a port.
RTSL-2138 Epic

Web-based management for Linux based SL products - Licensing

RTSL-2019 Bug

CODESYS Control SL: Source field is empty in codesyscontrol deb package control file

RTSL-1986 Improvement

Extension Package: support new Licenses failed event for users

Fixed [[GENERAL]]
The Extension Package now supports the new LicenseState event, which informs over changes in the licensing of the runtime. Possible states are init, demomode, licensed, license lost, trigger shutdown
RTSL-1824 Epic

Control SL: Provide TV for Linux SL and Linux ARM SL
