Key | Issue Type | Summary | Resolution | Release Note |
CFC-143 | Bug | CFC: Retains declared as VAR_INPUT CONSTANT RETAIN don't work |
Fixed | [[GENERAL]] If a VAR_INPUT_CONSTANT in also decorated with the REATAIN Keyword, the CFC will now priorize retain values over the ones that can be defined within the "parameters" dialog. This will require a CleanAll on existing projects to force generation of the new languagemodel. If parameters with the additional RETAIN keyword are found the "Edit Parameters" Dialog will add a "(RETAIN)" to the comment of the parameter when opened. |
CFC-136 | Bug | CFC: __Initialize_Parameters_POU() not implicitly generated when FB is in a Library |
Duplicate | |
CFC-133 | Bug | CFC: Compile errors and Assertion Failed if CFC-parameter (VAR_INPUT CONSTANT) is used with encapsulation of FBs in a library |
Fixed | |
CFC-124 | Improvement | Use nuget package for Newtonsoft.json and update to latest version 13.0.1 |
Fixed | |
CFC-118 | Bug | Refactoring: changing a variable in a GVL under the POU area are not included in derived elements |
Fixed | |
CFC-108 | Bug | CFC: PLCOpen XML Export/Import is not working correctly for Enable In-/Output |
Fixed | |
CFC-107 | Bug | CFC Page Oriented: Page Numbers above 100 not correctly displayed |
Fixed | |
CFC-106 | Improvement | PLCopenXML CFC: Parameters list is not processed |
Fixed | |
CFC-105 | Bug | CFC: incorrect visualization of instances in on-line mode |
Fixed | |
CFC-104 | Bug | CFC: Wrong pins are inserted for derived FB |
Cannot Reproduce | [[GENERAL]] Was CDS-48999. Cannot be reproduced in |
CFC-102 | Improvement | CFC online view elements overlay functionblock |
Won't Fix | [[GENERAL]] In CFC, new commands were added to collapse or expand individual or all of the watch boxes. The user can easily toggle the visibility and adjust the amount of displayed information without the need of re-arranging the watchboxes at all. Therefore, this issue will not be fixed. |
CFC-98 | Bug | CFC: The lines of bit outputs with the value TRUE are not displayed in blue |
Fixed | |
CFC-83 | Bug | CFC: Connection between EN/ENO cannot be deleted |
Fixed | |
CFC-41 | Improvement | CFC: Old non-shortened display of variables at input and output elements, only after user interaction |
Fixed |