
Product: CODESYS V3.5 SP19 Patch 7

Key Issue Type Summary Resolution Release Note
CDS-89743 Bug

CLONE - TS_Runtime Linux: Test fails with several errors on Linux x86

Fixed [[GENERAL]]
Accident caused by CDS-85986.
CDS-89674 Bug

CLONE - RTE: Change Operating Mode does sometimes leads to rejection by CM

CDS-89609 Bug

CLONE - Embedded SizeCheck fails on Bookworm build host

Won't Fix [[GENERAL]]
Wont fix cause: this is not relevant for SP19 branch, as this problem does not occur here!
CDS-89513 Bug

CLONE - Linux SysProcessExecuteCommand(-2) does not close the used pipe if an error occurs

CDS-89345 Bug

CLONE - [Build] pt-br and tr resources are missing in SDK

CDS-89300 Bug

CLONE - Crash while change setting "Behavior for outputs in stop"

Duplicate [[GENERAL]]
Duplicate entry for CDS-87648 released with SP19 Patch 6
CDS-89241 Bug

CLONE - RTE: incorrect PN-CIFX-Communication with Wago Slave

CDS-89227 Bug

CLONE - OnlineChange ist not possible after closing project because of changes in IoConfig_Globals_ModuleList

CDS-89226 Bug

CLONE - Linux x64: SIGILL terminates runtime

CDS-89169 Bug

CLONE - Linux: Compile errors when HilscherCifxLib Feature is used

CDS-89140 Bug

CLONE - Linux: SysFileCopy doesn't work

SysFileCopy internally uses SysProcessLinux -> this uses posix_spawn.
For old libc Versions (< 2.24) posix_spawn uses fork() instead of vfork().
This is now avoided by setting the flag "USEVFORK" for posix_spawn.
CDS-89136 Bug

CLONE - CmpIecTask: Crash can occur because IecTaskDelete2() is called twice with RSMUtility.library

CDS-89101 Bug

CLONE - CmpRetain: Retain file from SP12 cannot be loaded with bootapplication SP19

CDS-89085 Bug

CLONE - Compile: Internal error 2 during OnlineChange

CDS-89082 Bug

CLONE - RTE: OEM licensing does not work

CDS-89079 Bug

CLONE - Security issues in CodeMeter versions before 8.0

CDS-89076 Bug

CLONE - RTE: Control RTE SL license is not working on the UFC Container

RTE runtime licenses are working now on WIBU UFC container!
If you use an older RTE version, you can only use a runtime license on a legacy cmact container (firmcode=5000304)
CDS-89058 Bug

CLONE - CmpRedundancy: Possible AccessViolation due to skipped EventPost for vfinit

CDS-89011 Bug

CLONE - RTE: SysEthernet-drivers: CmpEt1000Drv: The intel driver periodically scans for a link in case no cable plugged and blocks CPU too long.

CDS-88996 Improvement

CLONE- [Setup] Update CODESYS Installer to 2.2.2

CDS-88977 Bug

CLONE - CmpOpenSSL: Endless loop creating key pair on Linux ARM targets

CDS-88884 Bug

CLONE - [Setup] Problems, if CodeMeter Runtime 8.0 is already installed

CDS-88874 Bug

CLONE - CmpApp: Improve license exception logmessage if DevDesc or CDS compiler is too old

CDS-88873 Bug

CLONE - [RTS Online Help]: Endless recursion occurred after entering a search text

CDS-88845 Bug

CLONE - SysSocketLinux.c : For QNX the UpdateNetworkAdapterInfo( ) causes cyclically CPU performance peak

Fixed A new setting is available to disable the cyclic update of the default gateway, while still initializing it once:


In This case, the event EVTPARAM_SysSocket_GetAdditionalAdapterInfo can still be used to update the default gateway at runtime.
CDS-88783 Bug

CLONE - CmpRedundancy: AutoSyncEnabled setting doesn't cover re-sync after receiving delayed messages

CDS-88771 Bug

CLONE - Shell, pinf command: Changing the application with/without project info POU leads to an exception

CDS-88543 Bug

CLONE - Symbolconfig: Odd behaviour related to symbol file access to variable

Won't Fix [[GENERAL]]
Affected feature has been moved to the communication Add-on and has an independent release cycle.
CDS-88526 Bug

CLONE - Wrong Code for x64 codegenerator for try-catch statement with CONCAT

Fixed [[GENERAL]]
Compilerversion >=
CDS-87856 Bug

CLONE - Persistent variables: wrong error message for persistent variable of library of complex type

Fixed [[GENERAL]]
Compiler Version >=
The hastype pragma only performed a string comparision of the variable-type and the passed type. This is obviously wrong and leads to problems with any kind of qualified constants or types. So this this behavior was deliberately changed.
CDS-87818 Bug

CLONE - CDS: Opening CODESYS without second monitor - CODESYS not visible

CDS-87700 Bug

CLONE - Setup: Silent execution indicates success if an error during package installation

CDS-87697 Bug

CLONE - SysTask: SysTaskExit, SysTaskDestroy, SysTaskEnd, SysTaskSetInterval: OS implementations incorrect

Won't Fix [[GENERAL]]
Issue will not be patched to SP19, since CDS-87837 as part of SP19 Patch 6 already fixes the most critical aspect of the bug.