
Release Notes: CODESYS LD/FBD

Key Issue Type Summary Resolution Note
LDFBD-285 Bug

[LDFBD] unhandled exception by adding "ENO-Box" to new network

LDFBD-281 Bug

FBD: Internal error and exceptions reported when using certain function names

Duplicate [[GENERAL]]
Duplicates LDFBD-259
LDFBD-274 Bug

LD: Incorrect behaviour in combination with Auto declare and execute block

LDFBD-273 Bug

[LDFBD] unhandled exception with option "show symbol address" active

LDFBD-272 Bug

Function block in pool has no inherited parameters

LDFBD-269 Bug

LD: Inconsistent element error during Generate Code followed by Internal Error for function call

LDFBD-268 Bug

FBD: Crash when monitoring actions in the FBD Editor

LDFBD-265 Bug

"Type is not supported" compile error is detected in FBD for OSCAT functions

Duplicate [[GENERAL]]
Duplicates LDFBD-259
LDFBD-262 Bug

LD: Rising Edge Contact not working in parallel branch

LDFBD-261 Bug

LDFBD: First method without inputs/outputs in a rung of several methods does not get executed

LDFBD-260 Bug

Unused __LAZY variable

LDFBD-259 Bug

Internal error when using block 'BCD_TO_BYTE' or a similar '_TO_' block

Fixed [[GENERAL]]
The call of the functions created with CODESYS LDFBD 4.3.0.x that are implemented in LD or FBD and containing "_TO_" in the function name may cause compile error "Unknow box type ..." in version higher or equal Such calls can be corrected by selecting the corresponding block and performing the command "Update Parameters".
LDFBD-220 Bug

Unhandled exception when correcting compile error with array variable

LDFBD-160 Bug

LD Editor: Qualified variable access is not displayed properly, if identifier contains chinese characters

Duplicate [[GENERAL]]
Duplicates LDFBD-233
LDFBD-128 Bug

FBD/LD: Compile errors for a box with EN/ENO in a transition

LDFBD-117 Bug

LD, Transition: Using a function block with the transition name assigned to its outputs leads to compiler error

Duplicate [[GENERAL]]
Dulplicates LDFBD-128